Problem of the Month

Every month, members of SIMC's Student Leadership Group write math problems.

2022-23 problems


These problems, written by Alex and Edward, are number-theory and algebra-flavored problems at the early AIME level.


This problem, written by Owen Z., is a neat combinatorics-flavored problem about counting sets at the mid-AMC level.


These problems, written by Owen X. and Michael Y., are algebra and combinatorics problems at the late-AMC level.


This algebra problem, written by Cecilia S., features floors and fractional parts at the late-AMC level.


The two problems, written by Rohan D. and Annabel G., are interesting problems at the mid to late AIME level.


This month's pair of problems, written by Yuuki S., are roughly mid-AIME level and involve sums and products of probabilities.


Problem 1, written by Tristan K., is a neat early-mid AIME level number theory problem, and Problem 2, written by William G., is an late-AMC-level question involving a certain polynomial's roots.

2021-22 problems


This problem, written by Edward Yu, is roughly early-AIME level and is a good example of using similar triangles to compute area.


By Gene Yang, this problem is also early-AIME level and is an excellent example of modular arithmetic.


This problem by Alex Zhao is roughly mid-AIME level and is a good example of 3-D geometry in regular tetrahedra.


This mighty problem by Michael Yang deals with a square inscribed in a quadrilateral. The solution uses a detailed analysis in the complex plane.


This is a geometry-flavored counting problem written by our awesome student leader Annabel Ge.


This problem by Jason Cheng is a probability puzzle featuring a strangely weighted coin.


This problem, by Tristan Kay, is an intriguing probability dilemma involving an aimlessly wandering yak and a big bad wolf.


This is a very interesting algebra problem written by Hongning Wang involving a magic number, and some connections to not-just-algebra.