Press releases > SIMC 10 2022 is over

SIMC 10 2022 is over

September 24, 2022

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We’ve finished grading the SIMC 10! Congratulations to all those who made the trip to Bellevue Libary weekend. We were very excited to see so many enthusiastic test takers grinding for the AMC in a few weeks. Note that due to an error in the answer choices for problem #19, we’ve given everyone full points for that problem.



If you took the test in person and turned in your answer sheet to us, you will receive an email with your score within the next few days. Congratulations to the following six people for being the top scorers at our in-person site!

Name Score
1 Eric Yee 132
2 Benjamin Fu 132
3 Vishnu Mangipudi 123
4 Jason Yao 109.5
5 Leya Balayoghan 106.5
6 Eason Xu 103.5

If you took the test online, you will also be emailed with your scores within the next few days. Congratulations to the following six people for being the top scorers online!

Name Score
1 Jiehe Liu 145.5
2 [Anonymous] 132
3 Faizaan Siddique 129
4 Catherine Xu 121.5
5 William Liu 111.5
6 [Anonymous] 11.5

Hope everyone enjoyed the competition! Stay tuned for next year’s SIMC10!

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