Press releases > SIMC 10 2023 is over

SIMC 10 2023 is over

November 4, 2023

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Results are out for the SIMC 10! Congratulations to everyone who made it to Redmond Libary or their computers (for online competitors) for the SIMC10. Below are the problems/solutions, score distribution, and leaderboard.




Solve Distribution

Score Distribution

Leaderboard: Congrats to our top scorers! (The top score of 130 is from out-of-state, so they won’t be named.)

Name Score
Mingyue Yang (IRL) 123
Avyank Niraj (IRL) 120
Daniel Ge (IRL) 120
Aryan Agrawal (Online) 120
Vishnu Mangipudi (Online) 118.5
Jeffrey Zhao (Online) 114

At our in-person event, we also handed out Jane Street and AoPS merchandise to winners. Stay tuned to register for the SIMC 8/SIME when more information is released, to get the chance to win more merch and a free Mathematica subscription!

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